

qb Cloud/EDA provides a ready-to-go specialized HPC service which configures and controls all required components, orchestrates them to sustain high throughputs and guarantees the bullet proof environment stability and availability.

Electronic Design Automation (EDA) copes with a very high level of complexity and presents unique challenges in all its distinct workflows: design, simulation, verification and manufacturing. The multitude of these challenges and the peculiarities of tools used in the industry requires an appropriate level of sophistication in designing, setting and operating the computational environment and processes.

This Cloud based solution allows our clients to concentrate on their core tasks while offloading peak computing demands, increasing cost effectiveness and shifting Capital Expenses to Operational ones.

We take care of every step in a typical EDA process:

Needs assessment and planning

HPC EDA/Chip design working environment

Toolchain deployment

License management

Application Access/Permissions management

User environment setting

Configuration management

Batch/DRM management tools, Runtime Design Automation FlowTracer, Oracle Grid Engine, Platform LSF

Performance management & troubleshooting

Monitoring & Alerting

Periodic checkups  & status reports

Open-source development tools
